We have online and hybrid services over Zoom.

Some folks find it challenging to hear all that is said in our zoom worship. If it would help you to have a copy of the complete service text before worship begins to follow along, please email our minister Rev. Laine [Minister at uucas.org] and they will email you a digital copy each week. And as always all of Rev. Laine’s sermons are posted the following week in a more polished form at https://revlaine.blogspot.com/

Healing for a Divided World

Multi-Platform – In person Athens and on Zoom Across the country, from schools, to religion, to politics it feels like the world is hardening into “us against them.” Universalism offers an antidote, a balm for this dualism. In belief and in practice, our Universalist faith tradition offers us a healing space between “us” and “them” … Continue reading Healing for a Divided World


Multi-Platform – In person Athens and on Zoom This is the time of year when students are graduating, and young people celebrate their accomplishments and milestones in their studies. In adulthood our milestones are not always so obvious, but as long as we live we learn and grow and change. Today we celebrate our many … Continue reading Milestones